Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm bored out of my mind!!

My house is clean, my laundry is done, the kids are at school and at Kara's, there's nothing on TV, there's nothing to eat. I decided that I was going to start making some burp cloths for Jacob since I don't have any and I laid all of the fabric out on the kitchen table and started cutting and I think the position I was standing in made me sore. So I got the fabric cut out to make 2 burp cloths, but I'm too sore to sit in one of those chairs and sew. That will have to wait for another time.

I need to get out of this house, it's driving me crazy. I need some fresh air and I'm desperate to go for a walk, but I can't. I did walk across the street to get the mail, but that was it. Jason said he didn't want me getting the mail because he didn't want me to have to walk out there but I think that rule only applied to when it was snowy and icy out.

At least tomorrow I can take all of the ornaments off of the tree for something to do...

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